

I am hesitant to even talk about some of these things. Not that talking will make them disappear, but it means I am overflowing with excitement.
We have received a phone call for which we have been waiting a long time for!!! YES! Specifics don't even matter at this point. I am overwhelmed with so many emotions. I am first of all so thankful to God's faithfulness. Even when I was doubtful this kind of thing would ever happen. Or I was scared that I was forcing it, and it wasn't God's plan for our lives. I am scared. I am full of peace. I want to cry. I want to cry GLORY! I want to shout from the rooftops, but then I want to hide and just clean my house and freeze meals for the tough times ahead. I also want to hide and not tell anyone just in case.
What if... what if... what if...
God has all of these in His hand and is in control. I am so glad I am not in control. I can't even imagine how I would screw this up. Seriously.

God had given to us a Heart for the orphan. We have now been given the opportunity to be in line for a child. We will patiently wait for God's timing to bring that child home to us. Whether it is this particular child or if He has other plans for this child. We will praise His Glorious Name either way.

Lord, we praise you for your wonderful faithfulness. We pray that your hand be upon K. Keep her safe. Soften her heart to the amazing provision you have provided. Lord we thank you for keeping us. Allow us to be ambassadors of Christ for Your Glory. Keep the Evil Ones minions at bay from our home and family life. I pray this will not overwhelm the little ones already in our home. I pray this will be a great opportunity for us to proclaim your awesome adoption of us into Your family. Thank you for this chance and glimpse of your goodness.
We Pray in Christ's finished work on the cross.


craft time

Some fabric that is 20 years old plus some new Fancy fabric equals a perfect opportunity for a great project. I made a "greeter deterrent" loosely based on the tutorial here. Loosely because I don't usually measure things after I purchase them. I just roll with the flow.

don't mind the mess in the background. I think it turned out Fabulous! The mommy of the new little one is not frilly at all. Providentially the colors match the carseat exactly. I love it. I loved it so much I wanted to keep it. But alas, I do not even own an infant carseat at the moment. So therefore I had to give it away. I love making things for others!