

I always seem to think I have things under control before we leave for travel. Until the day before, then I start freaking out, because I just know I am gonna forget something. But it does not matter if we forget something. Just remember that grandparents will buy anything that we need!! And if the house isn't in perfect condition when we leave, its not a big deal. Think calm thoughts. Think calm thoughts. breathe in, hold, breathe out. *sigh* Traveling also gets my tummy into knots. The stress of it all doesn't always equal the reward. But we do this for the family that cannot afford to come see us. But what if we couldn't afford to come to see them? We might be in that predicament soon. I think the grandparents will still whine and beg for us to come see them. But plane tickets are expensive, and kids are just not that fun to travel with. OY. At least the laundry is done.

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